Professional Deck Cleaning in Austin
As outdoor features, decks inevitably get dirty. Over time, dust, dirt, and bio-matter build up on the surface of your deck to create a layer of filth that can make spending time outside seem less appealing. If left unattended for weeks, months, or even years, the dirt on your deck can set in and become difficult to remove. That’s where our services come in. At Allied Services Company, we provide professional cleaning services designed to deep-clean decks, home exteriors, and other outdoor features without damaging their material. Our technicians use state-of-the-art pressure washing machines to remove set-in dirt and other debris, leaving your deck looking years younger in a matter of minutes. Contact our experts today!
Professional Deck Pressure Washing

When buildup on your deck becomes excessively thick and set-in, a pressure washer is often the most practical tool for cleaning. As powerful and versatile tools, pressure washers can remove years of buildup on your deck in seconds, saving you both time and money otherwise spent on expensive cleaning agents. However, if used incorrectly, pressure washers can damage the surface of your deck or other outdoor feature, causing more problems than they solve.
With our professional deck washing services here at Allied Services Company, you can rest assured that your deck will get the intensive clean it deserves, all while staying safe and undamaged. Our technicians have years of experience using our pressure washers on a number of surfaces. Using low-pressure cleaning to prevent damage and using bio-degradable detergents, we ensure your deck comes out looking new. For an intensive clean you can trust, contact our pressure washing team today!
Pressure Washing: The Answer For Your Pool Deck
Our deck pressure washing services are great for just about any exterior — and that includes pool decks! As an owner of the pool should know, pool decks need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent both the spread of disease and the dangerous slipperiness that results from the growth of bacteria. Removing this layer yourself can be a costly and damaging procedure if done incorrectly.
With professional deck pressure washing services at Allied Services Company, our technicians will ensure that your pool deck not only gets clean but stays undamaged during the process. Our state-of-the-art equipment will also ensure that the project gets done quickly and safely.